Sunday 20 August 2017

9 verified tips to get social media followers

9 verified tips to get social media followers

Let’s just admit it. We all say we don’t care about the number of followers we have on social networks…but we all do!

If you’re a mature digital marketer and SEO Company in Chennai, you know that follower count isn’t any guarantee of the value of a social media account. But at the same time, you also know having a lot of followers is far from worthless.
Like it or not, people do look at your follower numbers, which affects their decision to follow you. In addition, the more followers you have, the larger the potential reach and influence you have (provided those followers are real and relevant to your business).
There is no scarcity of posts and guides online about how to build social media followings, so what’s different about this one?
Simple: I’ve boiled it down to just nine essential tactics that meet the following requirements:
1. They build real followers (i.e., not bots and/or people who could care less about you and your business).
2. They are useful for marketing and business accounts without causing any potential damage to your brand reputation.
In my 10-plus years of experience in building effective social media presences both in-house and for major brand clients, these are the nine follower-growth tactics I recommend most. They are in no particular order, as which are best for any particular application will vary.
1. Follow Legitimate, Relevant Accounts
To get followed, you must first be a good follower. Finding and following accounts of real people and businesses who are relevant to your business is a first essential step to building your own following, and is a necessary base to make several of the other tactics listed here effective.
In some cases just doing this will get you followed back by some of these users, especially if your profile is completely filled out and your feed is full of valuable and relevant posts.
But more importantly, following good, active accounts in your business vertical will give you a base of people with whom to interact, which as we’ll see below has value in several different ways for follower growth.
Tools exist to help you find such accounts (for example: Followerwonk, ManageFlitter, and Audiense [formerly SocialBro]), but they tend to be Twitter-centric, because that network has more open data than most others. But you can do your own hunting, and often that turns up the best people to follow anyway.
Some ways to hunt good accounts to follow:
Look at who influencers follow. The profiles of key influencers in my vertical is one of my favorite places to mine followers. Do this only if they have a positive follow-to-following ratio; that is, they are followed by many but only follow relatively few. That way you know they are selective about whom they follow, and the people they follow are more likely to be high quality.
Check out Twitter lists. On Twitter, check to see if key people you’re following have any public lists. A Twitter tricks list is a curated group of Twitter users. If you find a good list, you can subscribe to it (in which case you’ll get tweets from people in the list in your feed without following them), or follow people from the list. As an example, here’s my list of “Best Digital Marketers and Digital marketing company in chennai

“Best People to Follow on…” lists. Search for published lists of recommended accounts to follow in your areas of interest. Be careful though; not all of these lists are well-curated. Sometimes they recommend people just because they are famous. For instance, I’ve seen recent lists for top marketers or SEOs that include Matt Cutts, even though Matt has had almost nothing to say about those topics since he left Google to take a job with the government early this year. Best are lists created by people whom you already know and trust.
Groups and communities. Join groups and communities on Facebook, LinkedIn, and other networks that have them, and watch for those who consistently make valuable contributions. Follow them, and they will probably lead you to other good people to follow.
2. Have Something to Show & Share
If you want to be worth following, there has to be some “there” there. You have to have some substance to your profile.
Your best followers will be people who take the time to check out your profile before following you. They’ll want to see that there’s something worth following.
Make sure you have all of the following:
A complete profile. Fill in every field that applies to you. On most social networks you should try to make your bio tell a story. Intrigue visitors into following you. On Twitter, where your bio space is limited, use keywords that you want to be found for. Also, have an attractive, close up head shot (preferably shot by a professional) and a relevant cover image.
A valuable feed. Make sure your feed/timeline is always showing recently-shared, valuable content. Some careful users will browse a little way down your feed to makes sure your active and that they won’t be getting junk if they follow you. For social networks that allow a pinned post (a post that stays “sticky” at the top of your feed), make sure you always have your latest, most valuable piece of content pinned.

3. Be Active & Engaged
Of course “be active and engaged” is the number one tip anyone gives in any social media tip post, but it really is critical to building a valuable following of real people.
Social media users are tired of link feeds. Commenting on and resharing the posts of others quickly demonstrates that you’re not a bot, and that you’re present on the network.
Whenever possible, don’t just reshare someone else’s post, but add a remark as to why you’re sharing it, and tag the original poster. On Twitter, do this using the Quote option when retweeting.

Being active in the social threads of others, especially influencers, also exposes your value to new people, and can gain you followers also.
4. Post Opinions, Data, News & Trends
I’ve noticed that when I post something that gets widely reshared, I almost always gain new followers. So I’ve paid careful attention over the years to the kinds of social media posts that get those shares.
Since this is a business-oriented guide, I’ll leave aside memes and other silly content that certainly can get big reshares.
The kinds of posts that tend to increase your exposure and therefore lead to new followers fall into these groups:
1. Opinions. Expressing a strong opinion about an issue that matters to your audience can be risky, but it can also gain a lot of engagement, sharing, and exposure. When I first posted my stance that social media signals are not a direct Google ranking factor it was considered heresy by some, but I was careful to back my claim with careful reasoning and evidence. That post, written three-and-a-half years ago, has become my most widely shared, and I’m pretty certain has been responsible for many of my social followers.
2. Data. People respond strongly to data that either backs up their beliefs or challenges them. They’ll share those things either way, and if you’re the originator of the data, and do so on a regular basis, they’ll want to follow you to not miss out. Christopher Penn is an excellent example of the power of a data originator on social media.
3. News and trends. If you can become a good source for breaking news important to your industry, people will want to follow you to not miss out on what’s happening. Barry Schwartz has created amazing opportunities for himself simply by monitoring important sources in the search industry and being one of the first to break new stories.
5. Post Frequently, But Appropriately
The hardest truth about social media is that no matter how popular you become, if you stop posting and engaging you’ll be forgotten in no time.
You’ve got to maintain a regular presence, but you also don’t want to overdo it.
I can’t give you any hard rule of thumb for posting frequency, but generally post less frequently on networks where the newsfeed is heavily controlled by an algorithm (Facebook, LinkedIn) and more frequently where it’s more “real time” (Twitter).
Over the years I’ve seen that the pace of gaining new followers tends to rise and fall with the ebb and flow of my posting regularity.
6. Rally Your Subscribers
If you have an email list that you regularly send content to (and you should!), include your primary social media links in your newsletters. And every so often make a special appeal for people to follow you there.
People who think enough of you and your content to open your emails will probably gladly follow you on social media.
7. Use Hashtags
I’ll admit that I don’t use hashtags as often as I probably should, but when I use the right ones on networks where they are valued (such as Twitter and Instagram) I often gain new followers.
Always look before you leap with a new hashtag. Search for it on the network and make sure it isn’t being used for something you wouldn’t want your brand associated with.
Tools like Ritetag can help you find the best hashtags for each of you posts.
8. Get Speaking Gigs & Interviews
Speaking at conferences and meetups, or being interviewed on a video show or podcast, can obviously be good for your career, but they also great ways to get exposed to new people.
Best of all, the people at conferences and meetups are highly likely to be relevant to your business, and they just got a good taste of your value, so they’re highly motivated to follow you on social media.
Include your Twitter handle at the bottom of your presentation slide decks, as long as the conference allows it.
I almost always see a discernible bump in followers immediately after gigs like those. For example, here’s my Twitter follower graph when I spoke at Mozcon, and then later was the guest instructor on a Moz Whiteboad Friday video:

The same thing can happen from guest posting opportunities (such as the post you’re reading right now!). It’s a safe bet that many readers who got something from this post will click through to my author profile and follow me via the social media links there.
9. Build Partnership Campaigns
My agency’s CEO, Eric Enge, talks a lot about the value of OPA (Other People’s Audiences).
Conferences, webinars, and guest posts are all effective ways to get your expertise in front of OPAs, but one of the best is through partnership content and campaigns.
By that I mean building relationships with non-competing companies that still have relevance to your business area and then pitching to them ideas for joint content and social media campaigns. These work best when each partner has something to bring to the table.
Because each partner will be promoting the content to its own audience, each has the opportunity to gain new followers from the other.
Perhaps you have some interesting data from your business that you could offer to a tool or analysis company in your vertical to produce a joint study.
Or, get even more creative, like Playboy and Red Bull did when they jointly produced a video of Red Bull-sponsored stunt cyclist Danny MacAskill jumping over Bunnies lounging around the pools at the Playboy Mansion. The resulting video got more than 5 million views.
The campaign was effective because it capitalized on the common denominator in the two brands’ images: exciting lifestyles.
One Last Thing
The tips I’ve provided here are not “hacks.” They won’t necessarily blow up your social followings overnight.
However, these nine tactics will put you on a solid foundation and trajectory for long-term, sustained growth. More importantly, they will give you a following that will actually benefit you and your business.
Why invest time and effort in building a following for any other reason?

SEO Company in Chennai

Sunday 13 August 2017

Twitter Easy Tricks

Twitter is one of my top slam-dunk assets for trying to displace negative content in search results. If your reputation has been harmed by some negative content that ranks when your name is searched, a strong Twitter account could be one of your primary resources for pushing the bad stuff lower on Google and Bing. Unfortunately, many individuals, small businesses and reputation agencies do a poor job of optimizing Twitter profiles to enable this to happen. Read on for my ninja-level tricks for Twitter SEO!
When searching for the names of individuals and businesses in search engines, Twitter accounts can appear on page one of Google and Bing if they have been properly optimized. For example, a search for Coca-Cola shows the brand’s main Twitter account on page one in the second position, just below the corporation’s listing for their official website.
In another example from Bing, if you search for Pepsi, you’ll find the official Twitter account of the brand appearing on page one for its name searches.
It’s probably borderline unremarkable to report that a search for “Trump” in either Google or Bing brings up President Trump’s Twitter account listing within the top two or three positions in the search results. But if you search on Google for other big names, you will often find that their Twitter accounts are ranking high as well.
In the example below, featuring the CEO of Tesla cars, Elon Musk, Google has evaluated his tweets to be so salient for his name search that a carousel of them are displayed in the search results, directly below his Twitter account listing.
Of course, these are astronomically popular Twitter accounts for celebrity individuals and strong brands with sophisticated social media management. However, even lesser-known names can achieve placement on page one in search engines. And, if you’re on page one, you then have a good chance of using your Twitter account to displace anything negative about you on the first page.
But this can’t happen if the Twitter account is not properly optimized. So, I’ll launch straight into some ninja tricks for maximizing the ranking power of your Twitter profile.

Optimize your Twitter handle!

I’d count this as one of the two most influential and critical elements for your Twitter optimization effort. Your handle, also known as your username, is incorporated by Twitter into your profile URLs and page titles. It also can appear numerous times in the visible text of the profile, and in links and titles pointing from elsewhere to your page.
To best optimize the handle for rankings of your name, you need to craft the handle to be spelled as closely as possible to the version of your name that people type in when searching for you. People who don’t understand search engines get this wrong all the time. Here are some tips on crafting good names:
  • Again, imitate the version of your name that people use to search for you. (People often leave off words like “Inc.” and “Company” when searching.) The ideal naming convention is to spell out your name, leaving out any spaces. The closer you match your spelling, the more search engines are likely to evaluate the handle to be highly relevant for your searches (e.g., @chrissmith).
  • If your ideal name configuration is unavailable, which is more likely the more common your name is, then you will have to craft a variation on it. Try to choose an abbreviation that’s as close to the original name as possible. The higher the degree of similarity, the more relevant the search engines will consider the name compared with your actual name. Craft a name that may look like yours if read rapidly, and then test it by using that name to search in Google. If Google automatically associates the alternate version with your website and other online identity materials, then chances are good that you’re on the right track.
  • If your name is longer than the 15 characters allotted by Twitter — which happens ALL the time — you will obviously have to abbreviate it. Again, craft this abbreviated name carefully and test it in Google. For instance, if I tried to use my full name without spaces, it would be: @chrissilversmith. At 16 characters, it’s one character too long to be accepted by Twitter. Instead, I might choose to use @chrissilversmth or @chrissilvrsmith.
  • People love to generate “cute” Twitter handles that may not even closely resemble their actual names, and they can still rank in search (if other factors and the popularity of the profile are sufficient). You can see my Twitter handle of “Si1very” for an example of this — by the time I joined Twitter, it was difficult to get precise matches for common combos of names like “Chris,” “Silver” and “Smith.” My Twitter profile is otherwise fairly well-optimized, so I can get away with this. But if you’re working hard to get your profile to rank well in Google, DO NOT USE CUTE TWITTER HANDLES that don’t closely match your name!
  • Do not add emojis to your username. It may look fun, but the added characters could cause your name to appear to be a less relevant keyword match when people search for you online. If you want to experiment with this later on, after you’ve solved your reputation issues, go for it. But, it could otherwise be sand-bagging your efforts.
  • It’s tempting to use underscores for multi-word names to take the place of spaces (e.g., @chris_silver). Avoid doing this because Google does not treat the underscore as a “white space” character like spaces, periods, dashes and so on. It’s unfortunate that Twitter does not allow one to use dashes. In rare cases where it may be the best option available, you may use the underscore, but be aware that it only provides a fuzzy match relevancy that can be very weak — so, you need to focus on shoring up all other factors to ensure the page ranks well for your name searches.

Optimize your full name

In addition to the Username field, Twitter provides a “Full Name” field (some people refer to it as a “headline”). The Full Name appears prominently at the top of your profile below your profile avatar pic, and also appears with your avatar icon on all of your tweets.
The Full Name is quite important for a few reasons, including: 1) the name becomes incorporated into the profile page’s Title text, along with the username; 2) it’s displayed in larger text near the top of the page within an <h1> headline tag; and 3) it appears with all of your tweets, and this text is anchor text everywhere your tweets may appear, linking back directly to your profile page.
So, the Full Name helps reinforce for search engines what your name is, and therefore what keyword sequence the page should be considered most relevant for. As with the Username field, one has limited characters to use, albeit it’s longer than the usernames, being 20 characters long, maximum.
Make the Full Name imitate your actual name that people search on as closely as possible — hopefully the 20 characters are sufficient length to hold your full name. If not, you’ll need to abbreviate it in some way.
Leave out nonessential words, and experiment by searching on the name variations to see how Google may evaluate the sequence — does Google already associate the name you craft with your existing online identify materials? If so, that’s a very good sign.

Optimize the ‘Bio’ description field

This description field is yet another area for adding some keywords related to you. If your name is so long as to not be included in the Username and Full Name fields without abbreviating, definitely reiterate the full name in the Bio, at the beginning of the text field. Otherwise, the bio can allow you to include other combination keywords that can be valuable to your online identity and representation in the search results.
The field should certainly describe succinctly who and what you are. But you could also include the name and Twitter handle of your company, if you’re an individual, or the name of the city where you’re located if you’re a local company. Any other keywords that may be mentioned in combination with your name in searches could also be included here. (Very oddly, I note that Twitter does not use the Meta Description tag on its profile pages — something that seems like a glaring missed opportunity from a search optimization perspective. If they used it, the bio text would seem a natural fit for all or a portion of that Meta Description. Hmph!)

Fill in the Link URL and Location fields

These should be no-brainers, but they apparently aren’t, since some individuals and even businesses, will leave these blank. Filling in your Link field with your website URL can strengthen its rankings in search. Please be sure to use the proper, canonical URL for this.
Avoid using shortened links or other redirecting links. Your main website should also NOT be just a Facebook page — it should be to a standalone website about you or your company.
Check the link after adding it — typos sometimes do occur. With the Location field, this is primarily important if you’re associated with a particular place, such as a city or metropolitan area. It should be listed as “City Name, State.” Do not get coy and put geocoordinates in this field, or phone numbers or anything that is not a place name. If you’re a nationwide brand or not primarily associated with a particular locality, you may leave the Location field blank.


You may be surprised to learn that simply tweeting a lot over time will optimize your Twitter profile, but it really does. Each individual tweet is linked back to your Twitter profile page. So, the more tweets, the more links within Twitter are pointing to your profile.
This doesn’t mean you can spam the heck out of Twitter via your account — even if Twitter anti-spam monitoring systems allowed you to do that, there are additional factors that Google uses to determine the trustworthiness and value of tweet pages. Also, if and when other accounts may retweet your posts, this produces links from their profiles over to yours as well.
Doing Twitter properly with good content can result in building a valuable corpus of links that builds your profile’s strength. More tweets equals more opportunities for links to your profile. Also, tweet frequently.

Retweets and Likes

Sharing others’ content by way of retweeting it or clicking to Like it (the heart-shaped button, also sometimes referred-to as “Favorite”), enables you to come to the attention of other Twitter users. Even better, some retweets and Likes will actually provide you with links to your profile.
Imagine obtaining a link from the main profile page of a prominent Twitter account user, such as Ellen DeGeneres or Time magazine. Well, it is possible.
Not all retweets or Likes will nab you a link, unfortunately. On a tweet’s main page, up to nine linked icons may appear from the total set of Twitter users who retweeted or Liked the tweet. Don’t obsess over becoming one of the nine, but just steadily retweet and Like other people’s tweets that make sense for your account’s topic areas, and you’ll eventually accrue some valuable links to your own profile.

Obtain more followers

On one hand, Google has stated that they do not analyze things like number of followers on Twitter. On the other hand, they do analyze links between pages in determining their relative ranking values, and they may have worked to assess the authoritativeness of identities connected to social media accounts — meaning that followers could factor in, but certainly interactions associated with links (i.e., tweets and retweets) may add up.
The more people who follow you, the more people will have a chance of seeing your status update postings, and the greater chance you have of them retweeting your posts. At my agency, we have consistently found that Twitter accounts with healthy numbers of followers tend to rank better in search.
There are multiple ways to get more followers. You can return-follow those who follow you, and follow other accounts that have a close follower-to-followed ratio. You can pay for advertising on Twitter to get followers rapidly. There are a number of other methods for increasing your followers as well, but proceed carefully, because some methods require adept experience.

Verify your account

A study done by Stone Temple Consulting found a high correlation between verified Twitter accounts and indexation of their tweets — a significant indicator that Google could consider verified accounts to be more worthwhile. The more your tweets get indexed, the more your profile page is likely to achieve ranking benefits as well.
Now, it’s quite likely that verified accounts may generally have a number of other signals that convey authority to Google, aside from a checkmark icon, so verification itself may not be the advantage that these accounts seem to enjoy. In our experience, there are many instances of non-verified accounts that rank well in Google, too. But, there could be some advantages to this, so if you wish to cover as many bases as possible, go for verification.

Link to your Twitter account

It’s amazing how many people and businesses neglect to link out to their Twitter profiles. Linking directly to your Twitter account from your primary website and other ancillary sites can help ensure it gets indexed and gives it more chances of ranking.
It also gives your website visitors a chance to connect with your tweets. Don’t forget to incorporate your name in the link’s text to reinforce the keyword relevance.

Post images and videos frequently

Tweets containing images or videos generally will have more interactions — particularly interactions like Retweets and Favorites/Likes that can be valuable to you. Sure, you may not be able to generate such content super-frequently, but you can also get value out of curating such content from other sources.

Incorporate Twitter Cards on your site

If you blog or otherwise post articles on your website on a consistent basis, set up the semantic markup code on your site’s pages to integrate Twitter Cards. They allow previews of a web page’s content to show up when tweeted, and these previews automatically make tweets much more interesting-looking than strictly text-based tweets.
Twitter Cards will pull in example photos or videos from your web pages when their URLs are tweeted, and the content will draw in users to interact with it more. If your site is delivered on the WordPress platform, then Yoast’s SEO for WordPress plugin can provide you with the proper code for Cards, making implementation very easy.

Use emojis in your tweets

As far back as at least 2009, I have recommended using emojis and other special characters in tweets because I had observed that it increased engagement rates. Others have researched this and found the same. Since engagement rates often equate with links to your tweets and Twitter account, this means using emojis can bump up your links a bit over time, too, helping your account to rank better.
Further, Google is also now displaying emojis in its search results at times, so if and when your tweets get indexed, they may also get more click-throughs from searchers. Check out this Google search listing of a tweet from Coca-Cola on World Emoji Day for an idea of just how attractive this can be:
I suspect that when you’re operating a well-optimized Twitter account, your profile link to your site and links in your tweets that get indexed by Google may help the content you’re linking to achieve better rankings. Now, Twitter has set all profile links and status update links in tweets to include the Nofollow attribute — meaning that it’s signaling for the links to not pass any PageRank benefit.
Some interpret the presence of Nofollow in link attributes as conveying zero SEO benefit. However, there are two things to keep in mind. First, it’s possible for Google to choose to ignore Nofollow for a particular site, or particular content from a particular site. So, under certain circumstances, Google may be using links from Twitter that meet certain higher-quality criteria for passing PageRank.
Second, even if PageRank is not conveyed, Google could be using tweets as another source for discovery of links — so, Twitter can potentially help your content get indexed quicker by Google, even if it might not help that content rank higher. And getting indexed earlier can enhance ranking performance indirectly. Research on this topic has varied for some time, and it’s frequently difficult to eliminate the many other variables involved in rankings.
However, in a reputation management campaign, your primary focus should be centered on helping your Twitter profile page to rank higher in Google. Any theoretical enhancement of your other content that you tweet out should be considered a nice bonus after that.
These SEO tips should help you really leverage Twitter as a major asset in your reputation repair campaign. Do not miss out on the advantages Twitter has to offer in this respect.
Source: searchengineland